Showing posts with label Welsh Rarebit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Welsh Rarebit. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Welsh Rarebit

(check back later for actual picture of the recipe)
Blogging A-Z

Welsh (Rarebit) Rabbit

3 tbsp. salted butter
12 oz. American cheese, cubed
1½ cup Guinness or other stout beer
3 eggs, beaten
2 tsp. dry mustard
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
Hot pepper sauce (optional)

In medium saucepan, melt butter over low heat.  Add cheese and beer and cook over very low heat until cheese melted.  Stir frequently.  In small bowl combine eggs, mustard, Worcestershire sauce and hot pepper sauce. Slowly add to melted cheesy beer mixture, beating with a wire whisk.  Cook for an additional 10-15 on low heat minutes until thickened.  Serve over saltine crackers, or toast.

Food for Thought:
This is one of my all-time favorite hot lunch meals from grade school.  I loved Welsh Rarebit day.  I could never taste rabbit in it and wondered why a rabbit tasted so much like cheese! 

Welcome to the 2018 A-Z Blogging challenge.  This will be my fourth year. Every year I take on the challenge with hopes of disciplining myself to keep writing throughout the year as much, if not more than just through the monthly challenge. (It certainly is a challenge.)  Some years are better than others.  Some I just lose track of time.  This year I have decided to put my favorite hobbies together. A recipe that is tried and true as well as some thoughtful insight.  Please note some of these recipes have been shared before, however they have gone through years of testing and this is the perfected recipe.  I really hope one of my recipes or “Food for Thought” inspires you to do something great.  Enjoy the read and the photos, try the recipe, share your thoughts or comments, and most of all, have FUN with the challenge this month!
