Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"New Years Resolutions"

Resolution: The act of resolving or the state of being resolved (to convert or be converted).

Ever notice the lists of things people want to change about themselves?

  • Loose weight
  • Quit smoking
  • Cut back on shopping
  • Stop gambling
  • Quit drinking

Every year at this time hundreds of people make lists of things they want to change about themselves. Tall Cool One says, "If it's not important the other 364 days of the year, why should it be important on this one?" He makes a very good point.

When you look at the things people want to change, ever notice how just about all of them revolve around narcissism? Jenny Craig and Oprah are having a field day right now because thousands of people are signing up to loose weight or are shopping for one of Oprah's self-help books. I bet the sale of Wellbutrin sky rockets in January.

My point of this isn't to put down New Years Resolutions. It is to tell you to put your faith into someone other than the money-making gimicks. Talk to some people that are born again Christians. They know what it is like to make changes. They are the lowest of low and they will tell you the truth of how hard change is. Being born again doesn't make them perfect, in fact they are far from it. But if you make a mistake, eat that box of cookies at midnight or smoke that pack of cigarettes on your way home from work, or go out on a Friday night drinking binge, they won't chastise you. They will be your shoulder to lean on and they will comfort you. Transition is hard. Once you accept Jesus, everything changes, everything is novel. It doesn't mean that it gets any easier, but there is a peace and the Holy Spirit is deep within you. The things that once were addictive are no longer an issue and you know at the end all is well because your salvation is secure.

When all else fails, try Jesus. The cure-all for anything.

1 comment:

autodidacticus said...

Very well said. Thank you for this ministry!