Tuesday, February 24, 2009

25 Things

Okay, so I keep seeing these "Notes" on Facebook or "Bulletins" on MySpace about how you are supposed to make a list of 25 things about yourself to share with your friends. Okay so I'm probably doing this whole thing wrong and it doesn't really matter anyways, I'm just doing it because I thought it'd be fun to see if I could actually come up with 25 things. Ready? Let's see:

  1. Once you let God lead, amazing things happen.

  2. After living in the south, temperatures below 70 degrees are cold to me.

  3. My blind dog is smarter than most dogs that can see.

  4. I married my high school sweetheart after I referred to #1.

  5. The customer is not always right, although most places let them think they are in order to keep their business.

  6. It took me 40 years to give my parents the respect they deserved.

  7. I know what my grandfather was talking about when he referred to "the glory of wood".

  8. I don't share my faith like I am taught because I hate rejection.

  9. I am one of the few people that actually enjoys writing an old fashion letter.

  10. I always thought I'd live in a double wide and have eight dogs when I grew up.

  11. Sometimes I have too many glasses of red wine.

  12. I think boys are easier to raise than girls.

  13. It made me sad when I realized church has "clicks" just like high school.

  14. A friend wrote in my yearbook not to always follow the well beaten path, but to start one...I finally referred to #1.

  15. Tall Cool One thinks surveys like this are a little gay-eee and usually I agree with him.

  16. I love chocolate with my coffee in the morning.

  17. Most people give kids more credit than they deserve.

  18. I thought it was going to be a lot easier to come up with 25 things.

  19. The reason most people do these things is to get attention... (I am no different).

  20. So, I think I'm a pretty good person, do you think you are?

  21. I've told plenty of lies, have you?

  22. I've stolen lots of things, have you?

  23. I've looked with lust in my heart (which Jesus calls adultery), have you?

  24. I've created a God that would forgive me for all my sins, have you?

  25. Click here and see if you are better than me. www.needgod.com/004.shtml

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