Tuesday, February 17, 2009

You Might Lose Your Signal

We've been hearing this quote for quite a few months now. One would think that most people took heed of the warning and prepared for the analog signal to be turned off by purchasing the converter box. Last May I wrote of our experience securing the ever so famous converter box...that was going to make a world of difference in picture and sound. Funny thing about purchasing it...actually a couple of funny things. First we acquired the $40 coupon, proceeded to Radio Shack, it seemed like every store we went to was out of the boxes. Radio Shack had plenty. We asked how much the converter box cost. The customer service person told us $40. Wow, that was awesome because we had a coupon for $40! Once he heard we had the coupon, he said, "Oh, the box is $59.95". Imagine that? Then we got home, plugged the box into the rabbit ears and found we could get three channels at the quality of a scratched DVD as opposed to the six channels we got before at a constant snowy effect. Crazy, huh?

Now we hear the date that "you might lose your signal" has been pushed out. Apparently the budget for the $40 coupons has expired ... how about that? I wonder, will people pay attention to the warning this time? I assume some will, but there will be some that do not.

God is patient. He does not want anyone to perish. He wants everyone to heed His warnings and grab onto the opportunity for eternal life. Some people ignore or reject what He has given. Unlike the end of the analog signal, we do not know the date of His return. We just have to be ready. Are you?

1 comment:

autodidacticus said...

At least you heeded the warning!