Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Answers to Why and How

A commentary of thoughts and ideas about the why and how certain things come to be.

I’m dumbfounded at how stupid our world has become. Not that I didn’t see it coming, because the signs have been here for a very long time.  I saw two clips on the news this morning that really made me think we could make a million dollars being consultants teaching people common sense.  “Wash your fruit that you buy before cutting into it.”  Seriously, people don’t know this?  What about this one: “How to know when it’s time to put air in your tires?”  They pay people to tell you these things. 

The massacre in Colorado has been taking up most of the news.  All interesting, and facts that are newsworthy of reporting and my heart goes out to the victims.  Sometimes the things the media dwells on is just flabbergasting to me.  Was he faking his actions in court?  Who cares?  Why spend all this money trying to psycho-analyze why he did what he did?  Call me cruel and insensitive, but give him a shot, put him to sleep, and be done with it.  Stop wasting the tax-payers money trying to figure out why something like this happened.  It’s not going to change anything, ever.

Why didn’t someone say anything about the warning signs?  Hello?  We see warning signs in people every day.  Think about it.  That strange man sitting all by himself in the back at McDonalds sipping on his coffee, the kid that takes all the toys off the shelf at Wal-Mart and throws them on the floor, the little girl pulling the head off her Barbie doll, the mother that slaps her toddler because he wants a candy bar.  How many times do you walk up to this person/child and say, “I really think you have a problem and might need some psychiatric help”?  That would go over really well, I’m sure.

Everyone asks why things have gone so wrong and why people are the way they are.  The warning signs have been there for a long time and no one wants to buck up and accept the truth.  Judges 21:25 “…everyone did what was right in his own eyes” and they are still doing it.  Read the book…everything you need to know is there. 

Psychoanalysts will tell you it’s the parents’ fault of how they raised their kids, yet in the next breath they will tell you not to hit your child because that will hurt their self esteem.  To me, it’s all just a whole bunch of academic bullshit and people are trying to make a buck or 20 million. Spare the rod, spoil the child — the first time he talks back a good slap right upside the head will cure it — he who loves him disciplines him promptly.

Once they reach the golden age of 18 the parent is no long accountable for the actions of their child.  It is the child’s responsibility to be held accountable for all they do.  Leave James Holmes’ mother alone.  He is responsible not her.

Lessons learned in childhood will last a lifetime.  Unfortunately in this day and age, the lessons a child learns are few and far between.  People somehow came to the belief that having a child was like fast food.  Have a baby, drop it off at daycare, take it to Disneyworld, buy it stuff, send it to college, watch it get married, and start the cycle all over again.  What did the kid learn?  To get stuff, do things, and it learned nothing about values or morals.

Most elementary school students have their own laptop, cell phone, I-pod, I-pad and whatever other “in” electronic gadget there is.  What do they have to look forward to?  What is their long term goal? 

People ask how something like this could happen.  People want to know why something like this happened.  Young people today are spoiled.  They have everything at their finger tips and they don’t have to work for anything.  Give a hungry young person a cow on the hoof and he would starve before taking action with that cow.  Boredom and nothing to look forward to… those are the answers to the why and how.  The real question is what can we do about it?

© Crackerberries 2012

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