Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Okay, so it went from a blog to a POJ and now Crackerberries. Whatever you want to call it is fine by me. It all comes from the same place ... deep inside my head and out through the bottom of my heart.

My first blog was posted on MySpace September 19, 2007 (myspace.com/chrismarriedbarbie). I made a commitment then to write every Wednesday and after reading through some of the archived posts, I can see how that commitment paid off. Thank God. Some of those first blogs ... ouch ... definitely a work in progress. Then I realized that is what the Christian walk is like. The more committed we are to learning, the more faithful we become which brings us closer to the Lord. Yet, it is a constant work in progress.

I used to think that once you were saved, there was nothing to worry about. Boy, was I way off base there. Every time I turned around there was something slipping out of my mouth calling some poor lost undeserving soul an idiot or cursing the telemarketer on the other end of the phone line for calling after 8PM. And then there is the children. What can I say about children? They test the limits with their parents that is for sure. That is what they were created for. Look up children in the dictionary. It says: to produce severe wrinkles; to make hair turn gray; to give an uncontrollable desire to scream and yell at the top of ones lungs. Not really, I'm just kidding but sometimes don't you feel like it should say that?

Anyways, last night I joined CSC (Circle of Sisters in Christ) with our church ... Calvary Chapel Lexington. I believe this is going to be an awesome Bible Study with a wonderful group of women. I have never been in a Bible Study before. I only came to Christ in March of 2007. I can tell you I have learned a lot, but there is always more one can learn. Heidi Hoppe will be teaching us through the Book of Proverbs. She said something last night (and I cannot even remember what it was, but whatever it was it brought me to posting Crackerberries as my new POJ/Blog). She made me realize that even though we walk the Christian walk and even though we are sinners saved by grace, the opportunity to stumble is always there. We still have hard times and the devil is still there trying to make us stumble. With CSC we can make a circle and hold hands and be strong for each other while learning God's Word.

So my blog that turned into a POJ that posted weekly has turned into Crackerberries that will post whenever God leads me.

Until next time,

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