Monday, June 17, 2024

Blackberry Donno-Muffins




So I have this really cool donut tin but I never use it because I every time I try to make baked donuts they disappoint me.  But the tin is so cool I wanted to use it for something.  So I decided to make Donno-muffins. We found some blackberry vines in the back yard (never saw them in the almost 9 years we’ve lived in this house.  I had about a cup of them and figured what the heck, let’s have some Donno-muffins.

2 cups all-purpose flour

½ cup sugar                                                                             

2 tsps. baking powder

¼ tsp. salt

1 egg, slightly beaten

½ cup sour dough starter “hooch” (not fed, aka: the throw away stuff)

¼ cup vegetable oil

¼ cup almond milk or non-fat milk

1 cup blackberries



Preheat oven 400ยบ.  Spray muffin or donut tin with cooking spray. (6 large or 12 small) 


In medium bowl combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.  Make a well in center of flour.


In another bowl, combine, egg, milk, hooch, and vegetable oil. Stir to combine and then pour into the well in the flour mixture.  Stir just to combine, it will be lumpy.  Fold in berries.


Spoon into muffin/donut tins.  Bake 18-20 for 12 tins, 23-25 for 6 tins.





© Crackerberries 2024

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