I missed yesterday because I’ve been contemplating about putting this blog on or not. I am scared. What will people think? What if I offend them? Then I thought who cares what people think? This is my blog and my opinion and I can put whatever I want to put on here. This is the word according to Crackerberries. If it is convicting, then I’ve done my job and maybe you have thought a little bit more about the things I write and do some contemplating of your own.
Permission granted are two words in the English language that used to come as an unexpected freedom. Now they are two words that when used together, are completely taken out of context. Permission is taken for granted and if not approved it doesn’t matter it is executed anyways. Remember that standard old saying your mother or father used to say, “I give you an inch and you take a mile”? My husband still says it to the dog when we go for our walks and he lets the lead out a little and no matter how much he lets the lead out, the dog pulls it right tight to the end.
Society has become our dog and permission granted has turned into deserved entitlement. It really bothers me when I see people that use and abuse programs and systems that were put in place to protect and help the underprivileged. Instead of enjoying the things that come unanticipated, society somehow came to the conclusion that they are owed compensation for being born. They take advantage of anything and everything.
I was talking with an acquaintance that was out to dinner with some people from work and could order anything they wanted on the menu. She went for the most expensive thing; why because work was paying for it why not take full advantage? I am privy to another story about a lovely young lady whose seasonal job is coming to an end and doesn’t have another job lined up yet. She spent a large amount of money on a new handbag instead of saving the money. Why? Entitlement; taking for granted that a new job will come along when she is ready to take one.
I have to stop watching the news because it drives me crazy at how ridiculous this world has become. For example, the quarterback for the local college football team failed to live up to the terms of being reinstated and is dismissed from the team for the 6th time; supposedly permanently this time. I have nothing against the USC football coach or team or people in place that make the decisions. Not that I know any of the details of the first five times, but hello? Who is teaching who a lesson here? What happened to three strikes your out? Six times; why did he have that many chances; because he was a good quarterback star? Apparently so and a very slow learner at that; he must be a yellow-dot.
Then we have those foolish Wall Street protesters hanging out in the big cities making stupid signs, being obnoxious, dressing ridiculously and making a nuisance of themselves. They complain about corporate greed and economic inequality. Have you seen the clothes they wear, the laptops and the cell phones they carry around, the tents they camp in, even the food they are eating? It seems like everyone interviewed has a gourmet coffee in their hand. And who in the world is paying for the paint and other sign making supplies? They probably ought to lower their standards and get a job even if it is at McDonalds. I bet most of them don’t even know what they are protesting for. Of course the media doesn’t help…who writes the questions they ask anyways? Have you ever heard anything so pathetic when they interview someone who has just lost a loved one to a tragic death and they ask “How did it make you feel when you got the news?” Hello? How do you think it made them feel, idiot?
College graduates are upset because they cannot find a job in the field that they studied for hence making it impossible to pay their student loans. A college education used to be a privilege and if you couldn’t afford it you couldn’t go. Now people seem to think they are an heir of entitlement. Can’t afford it? Don’t worry, be happy, we’ll give you a student loan and you can pay it back. And then after that you can get a mortgage and buy a house and pay that back too. Hello? The unemployment situation has had issues for quite some time now; jobs don’t come by easy. Any student signing up for a college education thinking they are going to find a suitable job to pay back a loan four years later must be a complete moron.
The people in the world have turned stupid. A hamburger from McDonalds used to be a treat to enjoy and savor because eating out wasn’t “the norm”. Now the average person eats out five times a week. Five times! I bet some eat out more than that. That is crazy and it is no wonder people can’t afford to pay their bills. Try a fried bologna sandwich, people.
Okay so I’ve gone off on my little rant about the world turning stupid and how people think they are entitled to everything and anything. The only thing they are really entitled to is death. Permission granted comes from the acceptance of Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life. No one gets to The Father except through Him. Unexpected freedom comes when He sets one free from their sin. I plan to take full advantage of that promise of life in eternity. Forgive me Lord, for going off on a tangent. It does not matter how crazy this world gets and how stupid people act because one day I’ll be in a place where everything is perfect.
© Crackerberries 2011