Let me tell you a little white lie,
I don't inhale, and I don't get high.
I caught a fish two feet long and weighed ten pounds,
When you sing, I just love the way your voice sounds.
My hair is not gray, this is all natural,
I've got ocean front property in Kansas I could sell.
My boobs are real, they're not implants
I love to watch the way you dance.
No officer I didn't know I was driving that fast,
It's a blind date, I hope this night will last and last.
Yes, it's my hair, I'm not wearing a wig,
No, those pants don't make your butt look big!
How to Lie
Have you ever told a lie, just a little white lie? A little white lie is often frivolous in nature, but detrimental to character. Little white lies are often well intentioned, and told to avoid hurting feelings, distress or embarrassment. Telling a lie is breaking the 9th commandment. This sin is committed more than 10,000 times a day with that little member (the tongue) that boasts great things.
Everyone lies. The tongue is like a flame that can not be put out. I have heard that years ago, people who were caught lying in the Middle East would have their tongues cut out and be fed to the king’s cats, hence the saying, “Cat got your tongue?”.
There are many ways to lie. One may think that lying is simply making an untrue statement with intent to deceive, and creating a false or misleading impression. That is true. I will tell you the grass really is blue in Kentucky, yet I’ve never been to Kentucky, therefore, I am lying because I don't really know if it is blue.
If we slander someone’s name, character or reputation this is speaking evil of another, which is lying. Defaming someone behind their back gives them no opportunity to defend themselves. There is not one person that is not guilty of lying.
When we swear, these are idle words ... words of no use, and that serve no good purpose. These words will be brought into judgment by God (Matthew 12:36). Every careless word, every slip of the tongue carries full potential for all hells evil.
There is nothing more contrary to God than a lie. God is truth. The devil is the father of all lies, and all lies flow from a wicked heart. Lying is the most prominent sin in the world today. Honesty has been lost. A man’s word is no longer his bond. Men are liars by nature. Matthew 5:37 says “Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’, and your ‘No’ be ‘No’…”.
Gossiping is lying. When we gossip we share personal or sensational facts about others. Sharing something that we have heard about one person with another person is insincere.
Cheating is lying. When we cheat, we are violating the rules dishonestly. We are taking something valuable by using deception. When we play a game and we interfere with the instruments of the event, this is cheating. Most people have played a game of checkers and slid their pawn one or two spaces in order to get the upper hand in the game.
Plagiarism is lying. When we take credit for someone else’s work this is duplicity and disloyal.
Stealing is lying. When we steal, we are taking the property of another without having a right to it. We have probably stolen a candy bar or pack of gum from the store when we were younger… maybe. This is dishonesty which in turn is lying. Another example would be taking an extra ten or fifteen minute lunch or leaving a few minutes early every day from work. We are taking our employers time in a fraudulent manner which is lying about our time.
If we fill out a job application and write down that we have worked at a position for five years when in fact it was only four years, this is lying. Dishonesty in filling out applications for scholarships, financial aid, medical history, or any other type of petition that you are not honest on is lying.
Unfortunately most people don’t even realize how often they commit this sin that people seem to tolerate and think that it is okay. Corrupt talk: critical speech, gossip, sarcasm, harsh words, false statements, negative comments, ridicule, insults, and slander, all associated with lies. I know I’m guilty myself and I am in constant communication with God relentlessly asking for forgiveness.
© Crackerberries 2012