Friday, October 17, 2008

Mamby Pamby & Mumbly Jumbly

The other night when we were watching the presidential debate, I asked, "What are we going to do about voting on November 4th?"

Tall Cool One tells me, "We are going to vote for the best candidate based on Biblical Values."

You want to know what scares me? I can't tell if either of them have any. You know what else scares me? The people out there that are going to vote based on how they have always voted in the past. The republicans will vote republican and the democrates will vote democrate. Then you have the naive crowd that will vote based on some whimsical reason because of race or gender.

I found these top five classes that scholars take to learn to become a politician.

  • Fabricated Speech Class
  • Skirting the Issue
  • Learning to Abnegate
  • Urbane Correctness
  • Equivocation 101

Seriously though, you can find any Cock and Bull story online that you want, about the candidates that are running for president. What is important is NOT what you read about what they believe or what they say they are going to do for our country. What is important is what YOU feel is right in your heart. Ultimately there is only one ruler and as long as He is in your heart, it's really not going to matter which candidate wins the election.

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