Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Things That Go Bump In The Night

I bet this is Stephen King's favorite week of the year. The week when all the creepy crawlers come out from under their rocks. Too bad there wasn't a full moon this week to add to the drama. I used to love reading Stephen King (OK, I still do) ... he could scare the living day lights out of a young teenager. That was back in the day ... do teenagers read books now?

What scares you? You ever notice how some people do things just because it scares them? Ride a roller coaster, bungee jump, para sail, etc.? I can do the roller coaster thing, but bungee jumping and para sailing ... I don't think so. Some things that we are scared of we are able to tolerate and other things are just too frightening. I don't care for high places. In fact, they terrify me. Four steps up a ladder and I'm ready to climb back down. I can't go downhill skiing because the chair lift ride to the top of the mountain is too traumatic. (Not to mention that in the past when I did reach the top of the mountain I came down on my butt and not on the skis).

As I am writing this, I think of things that I consider myself to be afraid of. Spiders, confined spaces, the dark, heights. As I'm thinking about it, the only thing that really physically affects me (I mean cold sweat, shaking, tears running down my face, peeing my pants kinda scared) is heights. I can't do's too much for me. Spiders, I don't really like, but just step on them and splat, they're gone. The dark, well, turn on a light, unless the power is out and then light a candle. Confined spaces, well I know I don't like them so I stay out of them. But I am pretty sure they would cause me to react the same way I react to heights.

We watch movies that make us jump. We read books that make us draw the covers up close to our chin. It's the adrenaline thing am I right? What are you scared of? Everyone is scared of something. Is it as placid as heights, confined spaces, spiders, snakes, or is it more zealous, like the fear of dying? What do you think happens when you die?

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