Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Yesterday afternoon Tall Cool One and I were out for our afternoon walk with the dog. The dog is blind so sometimes he doesn't notice the things that a normal dog would take after. We jokingly refer to him as our "Special Needs Dog". He really doesn't need anything "special". In fact when we get to the dirt road, we take him off his leash and he does the two mile walk on his own, zig-zagging back and forth from one side of the road to the other. Of course if a car comes, we call him over and make him sit and wait for the vehicle to pass. He then takes off running in the wrong direction (I did mention he was "special") after the car as if he's going to catch it. Silly dog.

Anyways, we were a little less than half way through the walk when Tall Cool One stopped and was looking out into the woods. I didn't say anything in hopes of seeing a deer or some other form of wild life. He then started walking again and I asked what it was. He said, it sounded like a bees nest and he was just trying to see where it was. Just when he said that, I saw where the buzzing was coming from. A deer head, legs and hide in a pile on the side of the road. There was a swarm of flies around the carcus. Thankfully, our blind dog took no notice to the sound or any smell that may have been coming from it. We concluded that someone must have shot a deer and left the parts they didn't want there on the side of the road.

Some people do things to satisfy themselves. They left legs, head, hide, guts, and whatever else that wasn't visible in that heap of carcus. Chances are good that the turkey vultures will have most of the flesh cleaned up by the time we take our walk this afternoon. Too bad people wouldn't strive to do their best and be their best at all they do. Instead they take short cuts or the easy way around. It makes me think of the people that park in the handicap parking when they don't need it.

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