Saturday, April 22, 2023

Sourdough Starter - Feeding the Flock 23


1 cup Sam Adams Alpine lager
¾ cup all-purpose flour
2 tbsp. rice flour 
1 tbsp. whole wheat flour

Open bottle of beer 24 hours in advance of making dough and let it go flat.
Mix dry ingredients together.  Add beer and stir well to combine.
Cover with cheesecloth and then plastic wrap.  Let stand 24-48 hours, stirring every 12 hours. After the 48 hours, either refrigerate or feed.

It will be bubbly and smell strongly fermented.

You can find out how to "feed" and maintain your sourdough starter here.

I do not have the recipe for the white sourdough starter because it was given to me.  The recipes that I have found use a commercial dry sourdough starter (there must be a better way)!

I'm going to use my beer starter for the first time today.


Don't forget to check out what's going on over at the Step in Time.


Kristin said...

Good luck with your beer sourdough! I hope it is delicious. Let us know.

Miss Andi said...

I think surdough is tough to make, isn't it? Never tried for this reason to be honest even though I love eating it :)

Life with Mia